Hi ✌️
The last few weeks were quite eventful. First, January and February were packed with client work and some other stuff, then we went for a week-long vacation up in the mountains in Scuol. And now – out of the blue – we got an offer for a new apartment for our family and will be moving places in a few weeks already. So, definitely no quiet time in the next few weeks either, but I guess this will be the good kind of stress and I’m very much looking forward to it.
Anyway, here’s some of the things that I’ve been reading in the last few weeks.
💡 Thoughts on the WordPress Interactivity API
Mark Howells-Mead shared his thoughts on the new Interactivity API, which will ship in WordPress 6.5. He’s making some good points about why this new framework can make sense if you are building or extending stuff from core, but also about where it falls short if you’re building more custom web-appy things.
Mark Howells-Mead – Thoughts on the WordPress Interactivity API
🚀 Git going with FSE and Block Theme Development
Working with Block Themes and versioning in Git didn’t play together as nicely as I was used to. I published a summary of my thoughts and a few of the things that we had to adjust in our workflow to make it work for us.
Git going with FSE and Block Theme Development
🛤️ Thoughts on Version Control for Block Themes
Just after I hit publish on Git going with FSE and Block Theme Development, I stumbled upon this article by Brian Coords, where he asks a lot of the same questions I had when working with Block Themes. I agree with him that this is a problem that should be solved in core rather than relying on plugins, and I really like his idea to use WP_DEVELOPMENT_MODE
to be able to always save your changes to template files instead of to the database.
Brian Coords – Thoughts on Version Control for Block Themes
🤖 GitHub Actions for WordPress Plugins
This post by Joost is full of ideas and links about GitHub actions and how to use them in your WordPress plugins’ GitHub repositories. We just started to use some actions for auto-deployment and will definitely be using them more in the future.
Joost de Valk – GitHub Actions to keep your WordPress plugin healthy
🧐 Overlapping problems
Anne raises a lot of very good questions about the Block Editor and Site Editor and the UX problems they have right now. Many of which are now addressed in the #outreach channel on Slack.
Anne McCarthy – Overlapping problems
❤️ About abandoning your side-project
Robb Owen wrote about abandoning side-projects, and why it is more important to work on stuff for fun instead of whether you release it or not. As someone who easily and regularly starts new side-projects and had some “rough break-ups” with some of them in the recent past, I needed to read this. Thanks!
Robb Owen – It’s OK to abandon your side-project.
Have a great week, everyone! 😎