Hi there 👋
Not much to say about last week apart from that it was packed with way too many things and I nearly missed to hit publish on this draft here, again. Will do better next week.
Anyway, here’s a few things I found interesting.
Frontend Development
🔥 :where(), :is(), :has() and :not()
A good explainer on the new pseudo-selectors. Also explains very well the difference between forgiving vs unforgiving selectors and how those new selectors handle them differently.
Polypane – :where() :is() :has()? New CSS selectors that make your life easier
Digital Experience Platform for WordPress
Ever since Human Made launched their Altis DXP platform, I wondered why there’s no plugin featuring some of the things they do, like for example some basic personalization. Seems like others have thought the same and Filter Digital has just released this plugin WP-DXP, which looks very promising. It’s free and will stay this way, but they intend to add pro features on top of it in the future.
Other / Random
Some Tips on Writing
Even though the title suggests it’s only for engineers, this post features many tips on how to write well. Got a few things out of it for me.
Heinrich Hartmann – Writing for Engineers